High performing nonprofits are led by staff and boards who are constantly learning and improving while also maintaining their focus on mission. One of the greatest leadership challenges facing nonprofit executives and boards is the rapid and continually changing environment in which their organizations operate. This pace and degree of change demands that leadership now more than ever, be able to interpret the changes around them and be resilient and nimble enough to position their work accordingly.
Board Leadership
Council of Nonprofits Board Roles and Responsibilities Everything from the basics to trends in board governance
Board Self Assessment Tools Tools to help your board assess their performance
Independant Sector's Principles for Good Governance & Ethical Practice 33 principles of sound practice related to compliance, governance, financial oversight and responsible fundraising.
Turn Your Board from Bored to Blazing, ANE Conference session and materials by Gail Perry, president of Gail Perry Associates/Firedupfundraising.com. Watch the video.
Fundraising and Friendmaking Made Easy for Board Members, ANE Conference session and materials from Gail Perry, president of Gail Perry Associates/FiredupFundraising. Watch the video.
Creating Positive Change through Board Advocacy. See BoardSource's Stand for Your Mission and "Make advocacy a part of every board member's duty"
Executive Transition
Monographs on Executive Transition Management
Executive Leadership
Nonprofit Leadership Development Toolkit from The Bridgespan Group Tools to support leadership development
Leadership from Harvard Business Review Articles on leadership
The Leadership Challenge: Books, articles and leadership assessments by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner based on more than 30 years of leadership research
"How to create a path for effective leadership in your staff" Chronicle of Philanthropy Podcast with Ronald Riggio, professor of leadership and organizational psychology and former director of the Kravis Leadership Institute at Claremont McKenna College.
Executive Compensation
Blue Avocado Article on how much to pay an executive director
Guidestar 2014 discussion on establishing CEO compensation
Charity Navigator 2014 CEO Compensation Study