100 years

Hawai‘i Community Foundation
Let HCF help you with charitable giving

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For more than 105 years, the Hawaiʻi Community Foundation has worked with every kind of donor who wants to make a difference in our community. We can tailor a program just for you. Want to contribute to a cause, start a fund, or include HCF in your estate plans? We’re here to help.

Contact us!

Our staff are available to provide direct assistance.

Development and Donor Relations Team
Mary Leong Saunders, Vice President of Philanthropy, at msaunders@hcf-hawaii.org or (808) 566-5563
Tina Santos, Executive Assistant to the VP of Philanthropy, at tsantos@hcf-hawaii.org or (808) 566-5572
Malia Peters, Senior Director of Philanthropy, at mpeters@hcf-hawaii.org or (808) 566-5520
Jen-L Lyman, Senior Director of Gift Planning and Advisor Relations, at JLyman@hcf-hawaii.org or (808) 566-5596
Terri Alvaro, Senior Director of Donor Relations, at TAlvaro@hcf-hawaii.org or (808) 566-5526
Kevin Rapp, Director of Donor Relations, at krapp@hcf-hawaii.org or (808) 566-5552
Eric La‘a, Philanthropic Advisor, at elaa@hcf-hawaii.org or (808) 566-5557
Maria-Elena Caprio, Philanthropy Advisor, at MECaprio@hcf-hawaii.org or (808) 566-5576
Ethan Wung, Donor Services Administrator, at ewung@hcf-hawaii.org or (808) 566-5594
Ana Malu-Lainaholo, Donor Relations Officer, at amalulainaholo@hcf-hawaii.org or (808) 566-5567
Leo Amador, Donor Services Associate, at lamador@hcf-hawaii.org or (808) 566-5507
Kimberly Yuson, Donor Services Associate, at kyuson@hcf-hawaii.org

Call Robin at the Kaua‘i Office number (808) 245-4585 or email Robin:
Robin Pratt, Philanthropy Advisor, at rpratt@hcf-hawaii.org

Maui County
Call Inger at the Maui Office number (808) 242-6184 or email them at:
Inger Tully, Director of Philanthropy – Maui County, at itully@hcf-hawaii.org

Hawai‘i Island
Malu Debus, Philanthropy Advisor, at mdebus@hcf-hawaii.org or (808) 345-6482

Donor services is also available to help you and can be reached at donorservices@hcf-hawaii.org or (808) 566-5560.

Donor Information

For questions, contact your philanthropic advisor. Donor Services can also help and can be reached at donorservices@hcf-hawaii.org or (808) 566-5560.

If you are a fund creator or advisor

If you are a fund creator or advisor, you always have access to fund information through your personalized portal DonorSphere where you can make grant recommendations, check your fund’s balances, review its grant history, or make contributions.

If you have questions about your fund or you would like to open a fund, contact Donor Services at donorservices@hcf-hawaii.org or (808) 566-5560.

Stories of Giving

Meet some of the generous donors making a difference in Hawai‘i through charitable giving.