Learning About Nonprofit Excellence

Resources For Nonprofits
Effective Strategy & Programs

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High performing nonprofits use experience, data, and field knowledge (including evidence and practice-based programs) to determine the best approach or strategy to accomplish their mission, and they can clearly articulate why the programs or services they offer are the most effective way to accomplish that mission.

Strategy Development Publications from the Bridgespan Group

Strategy Development for Nonprofits from LaPiana & Associates

Identifying Best Practices & Promising Programs: Click on a field of interest to access resources, programs and strategies.


Children & Youth

What Works database (Child Trends)


Early Child Development

Data to Measure Effective Home Visiting Programs

Community Health & Prevention

National Alliance to End Homelessness Solutions

Tobacco Control.

Teen Pregnancy

Child Welfare
Evidence-Based Clearinghouse.

Criminal Justice

Juvenile Justice & Deliquency

Violence Prevention

Community Sustainability (Energy and Environment.)