100 years

Investing In Community Wellbeing
How we work with professional advisors

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The Hawai‘i Community Foundation is the recognized resource on nonprofits and philanthropy in Hawai‘i. As the “go-to” place to learn about nonprofit agencies, charitable giving, and community issues, we track industry trends, commission studies, organize workshops and conferences, and disseminate information to the community.

Together with your professional advisors – your attorney, accountant, banker, and financial/wealth advisor – we are able to assist you with tax-wise giving, family and business philanthropy, and legacy planning.

Talk with your family and your professional advisors about ways you want to support your community, and how the Hawai‘i Community Foundation can help you achieve your philanthropic goals.

Have any questions about your client's philanthropic giving?

Contact Jen-L Lyman, Director of Planned Giving and Advisor Relations
by calling 808.566.5596 or email jlyman@hcf-hawaii.org